Pastor Lawrence Christopher Boles, III, DD prophetically preaches and operates with precision, passion, and power. He is a man after God’s own heart, with a heart for the people of God, anointed and appointed for such a time as this. Dr. Boles was born on January 5, 1980 in Renton, Washington. He grew up at Bethany Temple Pentecostal Church, where his uncle the late Rev. Willie Calloway was the Pastor and Founder. It was during his formative years as a young man that he acknowledged the call of God on his life to preach the Gospel. He was saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost at the age of 14, but drifted away from God in his later teens. However, what the enemy meant for bad, God turned it around for good! In 2008 Pastor Boles surrendered and gave his life back to Christ. The Lord has given Dr. Boles a dynamic testimony, from the prison to the pulpit. Where he was facing a sentence of 42 years, but because of the favor of God upon his life, he only served a 6 year sentence at the Washington State Penitentiary. Dr.Boles shares his testimony of restoration and reconciliation across the Nation, not just in the pulpit but also in the same streets the Lord delivered him from. As a result; gang members, drug dealers, and misguided men and women of all ages have given their lives to Christ. Dr. Boles is the proud father of 6 beautiful children. In 2011, after seeking

the Lord for a virtuous woman, the Lord sent the love of his life, Lady Jacqualine S. Hicks, the daughter to the late Bishop James & Mother Helen Hicks. They married on August 18, 2012, and together birthed and established Redeemed by the Blood Pentecostal Church on August 19, 2012. In March 2017, Redeemed by the Blood became one church in two locations (Kent and Lynnwood, WA) better known as their North & South Campus, later they merged becoming one ministry in the heart of the City of Kent. Since the inception of Redeemed by the Blood, many souls have been saved, healed, delivered, and set free. As a member of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. Dr. Boles serves faithfully in several  official capacities of leadership within the District, Jurisdiction, Region and on the International level: 

Former Episcopal Adjutant, to the late Presiding Prelate of the WA Northwest Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction The Bishop James E Hicks Sr.  
Former President, Department of Evangelism, WA Northwest Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. 
President, Region 6 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington) Church Of God In Christ Inc. 
Special Assistant to the President of the North West Regional Youth Department Church of God In Christ Inc. 
International Evangelist of the Church of God In Christ Inc.

He is most proud of earning his Doctorate of Divinity from St. Thomas Christian University, Jacksonville, FL in November 2018. Dr. Boles founded the Team Redeemed Life Center, he serves as Executive Director of this community based program that supports local police departments and other law enforcement agencies in conducting educational outreach activities in the City of Kent, for at risk youths and teens involved in gang-related activities.He also established a community initiative called Men & Women that Care., which serves as a positive force in a area known for high crimes and murderess activities. Dr. Boles also serves on numerous Community Boards, The City of Kent Mayoral Task Force, Kent Youth Initiative Community Collaboration, Center For Children & Youth Justice, and a host of others. Dr. Boles is an Author of a phenomenal book entitled “I Made It Out By The Grace Of God.”  Dr. Boles is also a recording artist of his CD entitled, “I Made It Out”!!!

Dr. Boles has a sincere and earnest desire to reach the lost at any cost, to advance and expand God’s Kingdom. Whether preaching as Pastor on a Sunday morning, or ministering as a traveling Evangelist, or witnessing beyond the four walls of the Church, the Anointing of God is evident and prevalent on this man of God’s life.